At InsureBizz Financial we take special care of implementing unique and innovative insurance and investment solutions for all our clients. We focus on a customized need analysis that will look in detail the personal and business aspects of every individual. In order to address our client’s needs, we use appropriate strategies involving insurance products and investments from 25 top-rated, major financial companies in Canada
My name is Alex Akhavan and I am a Senior Executive Insurance/Financial advisor and President of InsureBizz Financial Inc. I have been in the industry since February 1996 with expertise in corporate tax saving strategies as well as personal/ corporate owned insurance solutions. I take pride in what I do for my clients and strive to help them understand what options are available to them and strategically create plans tailored to their needs.
I work with you in determining the insurance and investment solutions to best meet your personal, family or business needs.
I have been a Qualifying and Life member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table for more than 16 years, while have been qualifying as a Court of the Table Member of MDRT for the past several years. Previously, I remained one the top producers of RBC Insurance across Canada for 18 consecutive years. I have also been a recipient of the National Quality Awards for over 15 years and a member of Advocis, a leading industry association.
My insurance and investment background is complemented by over 30 years experience in marketing, accounting, business consulting and small business developments.
Please call us with your insurance and investment needs. We serve our clients in the lower mainland of BC as well as Vancouver Island. We are able to meet with you in person, by phone or via Skype to discuss your unique situation.